Making The Perfect Cup of Coffee

by | Brewing

Making the perfect coffee, as you know, is worth “going the extra mile.”


To help you on your way, here’s a simple checklist of suggestions to help achieve that delicious first sip of the morning:

  • Choose high-quality, specialty-grade coffee beans, masterfully roasted.
  • Select the right grinder (see below).
  • Grind just before use, since ground coffee loses some aromatics within 15 minutes of grinding.
  • Use clean, purified, or filtered water.
  • Water temperature ideally be between 195-205 Fahrenheit

Grinding Coffee

First, the right grinder.

Since it’s best to grind beans just before use, we sell only whole beans and recommend using a burr grinder rather than a blade grinder.

Burr grinders give you an even ground for a consistent brew, while blade grinders yield a ground made up of various sized particles, which can lead to a bitter flavor. Available in both electric and manual versions, burr grinders are the preference of most discerning coffee-lovers.

Grind size and consistency play a critical role: finer grinds result in increased coffee extraction.That’s because a finer grind means a larger surface area for extraction, which results in a stronger tasting cup of coffee.

Depending upon the brewing device you use, fine grinds may also produce a bitter cup. Likewise, the coarser the grind, the less extraction, and the greater the chance for a weaker, poor tasting coffee. The answer, of course, is to experiment with making your own coffee maker or other device until you find the perfect grind – and only grind as much as you need for the next brew,

Brewing Ratio and Extraction

Stated simply, brewing coffee is all about drawing out or extracting the soluble particles in roasted, ground coffee. These water-soluble compounds contain the caffeine, sour and sweet flavors (acids), lipids and oils, and sweetness and bitter flavors from the coffee grinds.

Depending on the type of brewing device you use, the ratio of coffee to water can very. The different types of brewing methods extract the coffee’s soluble compounds at varying speeds, so it’s useful to understand these.

Technically, Burwell Beans coffee is optimal at a 1:17 ratio (1g coffee to 17ml water), but your preference is what truly matters. You may prefer a cup that is weaker or stronger, so experiment with your Burwell Beans. Experiment with different coffee-to-water ratios until you discover your perfect coffee taste. Hint: The best way to ensure consistent brewing ratios is to weigh your coffee instead of using spoons and scoops. You’ve invested in great coffee, so why not also in a small digital scale.

Common Brewing Methods


In this method, water fully submerges coffee grounds, and extraction occurs gradually.

The French Press and AeroPress, popular immersion brewing methods, submerge coffee grounds for four or five minutes before filtering them out. Extraction slows as saturation occurs and no more coffee dissolves.

For immersion-style devices, opt for a coarser grind resembling sea salt, as the brew time typically extends longer. You may want to use 1:16 ratio for these methods.


This popular steeping method efficiently extracts coffee due to a continuous flow of water through the grinds.

Common manual infusion devices include Chemex, Hario V60, and similar brewers. Plus automatic infusion devices include coffee machines like batch brewers and Breville Precision Brewer. Be sure to check Breville as this is one of the auto-drip styles approved by the Specialty Coffee Association.

For infusion-style devices, you generally use a medium grind and use a bit more coffee. Aim for a ratio of 1:17 or 1:18, depending on your taste preference.


Espresso, not a specific bean but a brewing style, extracts an infusion under pressure.

This speeds up the preparation time to 25 seconds on average and increases extraction, resulting in a much stronger coffee. Typically, espresso cups serve smaller quantities, ranging from 20 to 30ml.

Espresso ratio is between 1:1 to 1:3. Varying extraction times account for different names for espresso, such as stretto and lungo. The grind size is generally fine, due to the short brew time.

Tips for storage

Buy coffee beans with a recent roast date on the bag. Stored properly, coffee has a shelf life of approximately one year. However, many factors, such as oxygen and heat can accelerate the loss of freshness and aroma.

Always keep your coffee beans in an airtight container, away from heat and sunlight and at a constant room temperature.

Avoid refrigeration to prevent coffee beans from absorbing nearby aromas; freezing requires specific conditions like nitrogen-purged bags and moisture-free beans. Some people strongly believe freezing also breaks down the internal structure of the bean, affecting its flavor characteristics.

Care of brewing equipment

Maintain clean equipment to prevent old residues and oils from affecting your brew, leading to a stale, bitter taste.

Preheat your equipment and cups, and always rinse paper filters before use. Rinsing the filters note only removes any papery taste but also expands the fibers to optimize filtration. Remember to keep your grinder clean as well.

With this information in mind, explore, experiment, and savor your new coffee experience! You’ll master making perfect coffee with a little patience and practice.

Prefer chilled coffee? Check out our article on making your own cold brew at home.

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